Again new species of tapaculo
Most members of the species rich (c 40) Neotropical tapaculo genus Scytalopus occur in the Andes and adjacent areas. In south-eastern Brazil, only two species groups occur with, respectively, two and three named species so far. Field (morphology and vocalizations) and museum studies revealed that in one of these groups, some populations usually considered to belong to Mouse-coloured Tapaculo S speluncae appeared to represent an unknown species, which was recently described as Planalto Tapaculo Scytalopus pachecoi (Maurício, G N 2005. Taxonomy of southern populations in the Scytalopus speluncae group, with description of a new species and remarks on the systematics and biogeography of the complex (Passeriformes: Rhinocryptidae). Ararajuba 13: 7-28). The main plumage characteristic is the black and buff flank barring in all ages (barring only present in juvenile, absent in adult speluncae). Furthermore, it has distinct vocalizations, including a clearly slow-paced song and a unique song type which accelerates at the end ito a thrill. S pachecoi is named after the Brazilian ornithologist José Fernando Pacheco.
The new species occurs in three distinct areas: Serro do Sudeste, southern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Misiones province, north-eastern Argentina, and adjacent areas in Brazil; and the highest parts of the plateau (Planalto) of north-eastern Rio Grande do Sul and adjacent south-eastern Santa Catarina, Brazil. Although the species has a rather small and disjunct distribution, it is not rare and not in danger of extinction, since it occurs in both primary and secondary forests, and is apparently even more numerous in the latter.
It is expected that the continuing research in this south-eastern Scytalopus group will reveal further new species. ANDRÉ J VAN LOON