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Birding Norway Aantal hits:1749
Are you visiting Norway for birding? Then you have come to the right place!
Norwegian Ornithological Society (NOF) Aantal hits:1012
The Norwegian Ornithological Society (NOF) is the organisation for bird protection and conservation in Norway.
Birding in Finnmark Aantal hits:1012
Ecotours - Norway Aantal hits:765
Ecotours - Norway DA is a tour operator in Fredrikstad in the outer oslofjord. We arrange tours for tourists and companies that wish to have an authentic experience in Norway's unspoilt nature.
The birds and mammals of Spitsbergen Aantal hits:869
An overview of the birds of Spitsbergen, with pictures and comments on their distribution. Also some notes about good birding spots and about mammals.
Norwegian Cyberbirding Aantal hits:1173
Pictures of both common and rare Norwegian birds, trips, links and more..
The Norwegian Gull Page Aantal hits:687
The Norwegian Gull Page
Fugler i Norge Aantal hits:786
A norwegian internet bird magazine with bird and birding news, picture gallery and a complete norwegian bird species list. A "sister page" to Birding Norway.
Eddie Chapman Aantal hits:723
Birding Scandinavia for holidays and guiding.
Eddie Chapman Aantal hits:653
Follow the Norwegian Birding Route. We supply the birding information once you have booked your accommodation.
Bert de Bruin Aantal hits:680
blog diary with lots of pics from Norway, the Netherlands and rest of the world
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