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Ocean Wings Aantal hits:903
Ocean Wings is situated in Kaikoura, New Zealand, famous for whales and dolphins and argubly one of the world's most exciting arenas for pelagic (ocean going) birds.
The Ornithological Society of New Zealand Aantal hits:1160
New Zealand Birds Aantal hits:1021
New Zealand - Sites of Interest for Birdwatchers Aantal hits:931
This page contains a list of sites where endemic or difficult to see birds can be found.
New Zealand Penguins Aantal hits:871
Kuaotunu Kiwi Sanctuary Aantal hits:787
The Kuaotunu Kiwi Sanatuary Society Inc. (KKS) was formed to foster local community participation in environmental protection and enhancement of the Kuaotunu Peninsula.
Miranda Shorebird Centre Aantal hits:1273
Kakapo recovery Aantal hits:869
Kakapo are breeding! Check out the updates from Whenua Hou (Codfish Island) for news of the population increase.
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