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Rose-coloured Starling
Siberian Rubythroat

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Picture gallery

Photos of scarce- or special common Dutch birds.
Name:Red Phalarope
Phalaropus fulicaria
Place:Katwijk aan Zee, Buitenwatering
Date:19 oktober 2009
Photographer:René van Rossum
Name:Red Phalarope
Phalaropus fulicaria
Place:Katwijk aan Zee, buitenwatering
Date:19 oktober 2009
Photographer:René van Rossum
Name:Barred Warbler
Sylvia nisoria
Place:Vlieland - Lange Paal
Date:18 oktober 2009
Photographer:Ricardo van Dijk
Name:Lapland Longspur
Calcarius lapponicus
Place:Vlieland - strand Posthuys
Date:17 oktober 2009
Photographer:Kees de Vries
Name:Lapland Longspur
Calcarius lapponicus
Place:Vlieland - strand Posthuys
Date:18 oktober 2009
Photographer:Kees de Vries
Name:Sabine's Gull
Xema sabini
Date:17 oktober 2009
Photographer:Peter Lindenburg
Name:Bohemian Waxwing
Bombycilla garrulus
Date:17 oktober 2009
Photographer:Hans ter Haar
Name:Barred Warbler
Sylvia nisoria
Place:De Muy-Texel
Date:15 oktober 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Barred Warbler
Sylvia nisoria
Place:De Muy-Texel
Date:15 oktober 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Eurasian Penduline Tit
Remiz pendulinus
Place:VRS Meijendel, Wassenaar
Date:15 oktober 2009
Photographer:Vincent van der Spek
Name:Yellow-browed Warbler
Phylloscopus inornatus
Date:14 oktober 2009
Photographer:Harm Niesen
Name:Sabine's Gull
Xema sabini
Date:11 oktober 2009
Photographer:ton renniers
Name:Sabine's Gull
Xema sabini
Place:Texel - Westerslag
Date:11 oktober 2009
Photographer:Kees de Vries
Name:Sabine's Gull
Xema sabini
Place:Texel - Westerslag
Date:11 oktober 2009
Photographer:Kees de Vries
Name:Little Bunting
Emberiza pusilla
Place:de Petten-Texel.
Date:10 oktober 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Little Bunting
Emberiza pusilla
Place:De Petten, Texel
Date:10 oktober 2009
Photographer:Enno B Ebels
Name:Little Bunting
Emberiza pusilla
Date:02 oktober 2009
Photographer:Herman Bouman
Name:Glossy Ibis
Plegadis falcinellus
Place:Kolham, Westerpolder
Date:06 oktober 2009
Photographer:Ipe Weeber
Name:Little Bunting
Emberiza pusilla
Date:02 oktober 2009
Name:Yellow-browed Warbler
Phylloscopus inornatus
Date:02 oktober 2009