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Picture gallery

Photos of scarce- or special common Dutch birds.
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:Zevenhoven - Groene Jonker
Date:09 juni 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:Zevenhoven, Groene Jonker
Date:09 juni 2009
Photographer:Rein Genuït
Name:Great Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Place:Bakkum Karpervijver
Date:05 juni 2009
Photographer:Harm Niesen
Name:Pied Wagtail
Motacilla yarrellii
Date:07 juni 2009
Photographer:Harm Niesen
Name:Red-necked Phalarope
Phalaropus lobatus
Date:07 juni 2009
Photographer:Harm Niesen
Name:Great Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Place:Karpervijver Bakkum Noord
Date:01 juni 2009
Photographer:J.H. van Leeuwen
Name:Marsh Sandpiper
Tringa stagnatilis
Place:Osdorper Binnenpolder-Zuid [NH]
Date:06 juni 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Marsh Sandpiper
Tringa stagnatilis
Place:Osdorper Binnenpolder-Zuid [NH]
Date:06 juni 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Red Phalarope
Phalaropus fulicaria
Place:Veenhuizerstukken Stadskanaal
Date:27 mei 2009
Photographer:willem hartholt
Name:Woodchat Shrike
Lanius senator
Place:Gasterse Duinen
Date:03 juni 2009
Photographer:Alwin van Lubeck
Name:Woodchat Shrike
Lanius senator
Place:Gasterse Duinen
Date:03 juni 2009
Photographer:Willem Wind
Name:Common Rosefinch
Carpodacus erythrinus
Date:30 mei 2009
Photographer:Martin v.d. Schalk
Name:White-winged Tern
Chlidonias leucopterus
Date:30 mei 2009
Photographer:Jan-Kees Bossenbroek
Name:Common Rosefinch
Carpodacus erythrinus
Date:30 mei 2009
Photographer:Martijn Renders
Name:Common Rosefinch
Carpodacus erythrinus
Date:30 mei 2009
Photographer:Martijn Renders
Name:Common Rosefinch
Carpodacus erythrinus
Date:30 mei 2009
Photographer:Martijn Renders
Name:Red-breasted Flycatcher
Ficedula parva
Date:28 mei 2009
Photographer:Harm Niesen
Name:Red-breasted Flycatcher
Ficedula parva
Date:28 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Red Phalarope
Phalaropus fulicaria
Place:Veenhuizerstukken (Groningen)
Date:27 mei 2009
Photographer:Ipe Weeber
Name:Red-breasted Flycatcher
Ficedula parva
Place:Polder Waard Nieuwland - Polderweg
Date:28 mei 2009
Photographer:Wiepko Lubbers