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Picture gallery

Photos of scarce- or special common Dutch birds.
Name:Red-breasted Goose
Branta ruficollis
Place:Banckspolder, Schiermonnikoog
Date:03 mei 2009
Photographer:Enno B Ebels
Name:Pectoral Sandpiper
Calidris melanotos
Place:Tetjehorn, Schildmeer (Gr)
Date:05 mei 2009
Photographer:Marnix Jonker
Name:Black Brant
Branta nigricans
Date:05 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Pale-bellied Brent Goose
Branta hrota
Date:05 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Eurasian Dotterel
Charadrius morinellus
Place:Texel - Oorsprongweg
Date:05 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla
Place:Lauwersmeer, Jaap Deensgat
Date:04 mei 2009
Photographer:Martijn Bot
Name:Eurasian Wryneck
Jynx torquilla
Date:04 mei 2009
Photographer:Chris van Rijswijk
Name:Eurasian Dotterel
Charadrius morinellus
Place:Texel, Oorsprongweg
Date:02 mei 2009
Photographer:Teun van Kessel
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Date:02 mei 2009
Photographer:John van der Woude
Name:Eurasian Wryneck
Jynx torquilla
Place:Meinweg Limburg
Date:01 mei 2009
Photographer:Max Berlijn
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Place:Ezumakeeg - zuid
Date:30 april 2009
Photographer:Kees de Vries
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Place:Friesland - Ezumakeeg-Zuid
Date:01 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Place:Friesland - Ezumakeeg-Zuid
Date:01 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla
Place:Friesland - Ezumakeeg
Date:01 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla
Place:Friesland - Ezumakeeg
Date:01 mei 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Red-throated Pipit
Anthus cervinus
Place:vogelroute lauwersmeer
Date:30 april 2009
Name:Eurasian Wryneck
Jynx torquilla
Place:Groede - Zeeuws Vlaanderen
Date:28 april 2009
Photographer:Ricardo van Dijk
Name:White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla
Place:Grote Vaartweg
Date:19 april 2009
Photographer:ton eggenhuizen
Name:Red-rumped Swallow
Cecropis daurica
Place:Groede - De Blikken
Date:27 april 2009
Photographer:Ricardo van Dijk
Name:Red-throated Pipit
Anthus cervinus
Place:Vogelroute de Pomp - Lauwersmeer
Date:26 april 2009
Photographer:Johan op den Dries