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Rose-coloured Starling
Siberian Rubythroat

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Picture gallery

Photos of scarce- or special common Dutch birds.
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Place:Polder IJdoorn
Date:30 juni 2009
Photographer:Sander Lagerveld
Name:Spotted Crake
Porzana porzana
Place:Zevenhoven, Groene Jonker
Date:25 juni 2009
Photographer:Tobi Koppejan
Name:Caspian Tern
Hydroprogne caspia
Date:29 juni 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Melodious Warbler
Hippolais polyglotta
Place:Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland Kennemerduinen, Caprera en Zeeweg
Date:28 juni 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Melodious Warbler
Hippolais polyglotta
Place:Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland Kennemerduinen, Caprera en Zeeweg
Date:28 juni 2009
Photographer:Luuk Punt
Name:Melodious Warbler
Hippolais polyglotta
Date:27 juni 2009
Photographer:Wim van der Schot
Name:Black-winged Stilt
Himantopus himantopus
Place:Zevenhoven, groene jonker
Date:22 juni 2009
Photographer:Marianne Wustenhoff
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:Zevenhoven - Groene Jonker.
Date:25 juni 2009
Photographer:Hanus Bernard
Name:Spotted Crake
Porzana porzana
Place:Groene Jonker
Date:24 juni 2009
Photographer:Lex Aalders
Name:Great Reed Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus
Date:20 juni 2009
Photographer:René Weenink
Name:Black-crowned Night-Heron
Nycticorax nycticorax
Date:20 juni 2009
Photographer:Ben van den Broek
Name:Spotted Crake
Porzana porzana
Place:Groene Jonker - Zevenhoven
Date:20 juni 2009
Photographer:Jaap Denee
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:Groene Jonker - Zevenhoven
Date:20 juni 2009
Photographer:Jaap Denee
Name:Red-necked Phalarope
Phalaropus lobatus
Date:19 juni 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Squacco Heron
Ardeola ralloides
Place:Natuurontwikkelingsgebied Willeskop, Lopikerwaard
Date:19 juni 2009
Photographer:Arjan Boele
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:de groene jonker-
Date:15 juni 2009
Photographer:Eric Menkveld
Name:Woodchat Shrike
Lanius senator
Place:Jachtlust - Texel
Date:15 juni 2009
Photographer:René Pop
Name:Horned Grebe
Podiceps auritus
Place:Zandkes - Texel
Date:15 juni 2009
Photographer:René Pop
Name:Horned Grebe
Podiceps auritus
Place:Zandkes - Texel
Date:15 juni 2009
Photographer:René Pop
Name:Baillon's Crake
Porzana pusilla
Place:Zevenhoven, Groene Jonker
Date:13 juni 2009
Photographer:Rein Genuït