Dutch Birding volume 35 (2013) no 4
Steppe Grey Shrike on Texel in October-November 2012 and occurrence in Europe
From 27 October to 9 November 2012, a first-winter Steppe Grey Shrike Lanius lahtora pallidirostris stayed near Den Hoorn on Texel, Noord-Holland, the Netherlands. This was the second record, after a first-year also on Texel on 4-23 September 1994. Both birds were initially identified as immature Lesser Grey Shrike L minor. There are now at least 73 records of Steppe Grey in Europe, mostly in late autumn, with first dates in March (2), April (3), May (4), June (3), July (1), August (1), September (12), October (22), November (22) and December (3). Records are from Austria (1), Britain (23), Cyprus (10), Denmark (6), Estonia (1), Finland (4), France (2), Greece (2), Italy (3), the Netherlands (2), Norway (7) and Sweden (12). Two birds wintered (in Cyprus in 2010-11 and in Italy in 2000-01) and one summered (in Sweden in July-August 2011). The great majority of records refer to first-year birds. Numbers have steadily increased in Europe in recent decades, with six records in 1980-89, 20 in 1990-99 and 31 in 2000-09.
Enno B Ebels, Joseph Haydnlaan 4, 3533 AE Utrecht, Nederland