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Dutch Birding volume 28 (2006) no 1

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Artikelen / papers
1 Phenology and identification of Atlas and Iberian Pied Flycatchers Arnoud B van den Berg & The Sound Approach
Killdeerplevier bij Rottige Meente in april 2005 [Killdeer at Rottige Meente in April 2005] Ruud-Jelle van der Leij & Enno B Ebels
11  Grijze Gors op Rottumerplaat in mei 2004  [Rock Bunting on Rottumerplaat in May 2004] Rommert Cazemier
15  Broedgeval van Wilde Zwaan bij Wapse in voorjaar 2005 [Whooper Swans breeding near Wapse in spring 2005] Harvey van Diek
19  First-winter Caspian Gull off Gijón, Spain, in September 2005 José Luis Copete, Daniel López Velasco & Rafael Armada
21  Two River Terns in Golestan, Iran, in January 2005 Erik Foekens & Jaap Schelvis
24  Little Swift breeding at new site in southern Spain Willem-Jan Fontijn
25  Roodstuitzwaluw met afwijkend ruipatroon bij Doornenburg en Groessen in april 2005 [Red-rumped Swallow with aberrant moult pattern in Gelderland in April 2005] Rik Winters

26  Naamgeving van taxa in Dutch Birding
29  Fouten in fotobijschriften; Errors in photo captions
29  Corrigenda

CDNA mededelingen
30  Recente CDNA-besluiten

Aankondigingen & verzoeken
30  Belgische Vogeldag op 25 februari 2006; Swift photographs requested

Recencies / reviews
30  Birds of Western Africa by Nik Borrow & Ron Demey Callan Cohen & Michael Mills
31  The grail bird. Hot on the trail of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Tim Gallagher John van der Woude & Jan van der Laan
32  Birds new to Britain 1980-2004 Adrian Pitches & Tim Cleeves Gert Ottens
32  Where the birds are in northeast Spain Steve West André J van Loon
33  Everything you always wanted to know about birds …but were afraid to ask Stephen Moss André J van Loon

Masters of mystery
33  Solutions of sixth round 2005: Grey Wagtail and Eastern Crowned Warbler; First round 2006 Rob S A van Bemmelen & Dick Groenendijk

WP reports
38  late November 2005-early January 2006 Arnoud B van den Berg & Marcel Haas

Recente meldingen / recent reports
55  Nederland: november-december 2005 Ruud M van Dongen, Klaas Haas & Peter W W de Rouw
64  België: november-december 2005 Gerald Driessens

Voorplaat / front cover
  Atlasgrasmus / Tristram's Warbler Sylvia deserticola, Remada-El Hayun, Thala, Kasserine, Tunesië, 8 April 2005 (Daniele Occhiato)