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Dutch Birding volume 28 (2006) no 1


Killdeer at Rottige Meente in April 2005
On 3-5 April 2005, a Killdeer Charadrius vociferus stayed near Rottige Meente, Friesland/Overijssel, the Netherlands. It was easily identified by its large size (for a Charadrius plover), long tail, long wings with prominent white wing bar, double black breast band, orange or cinnamon-coloured rump and uppertail and high-pitched, rising, two-toned call. Judging from the worn coverts, it was considered a first-winter bird. It constitutes the first record for the Netherlands.

Ruurd-Jelle van der Leij, Hoofdweg 158, 8474 CL Oldeholtpade, Nederland
Enno B Ebels, Joseph Haydnlaan 4, 3533 AE Utrecht, Nederland
