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Rose-coloured Starling
Siberian Rubythroat

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Website Dirk Moerbeek Aantal hits:1099
Professional bird artist and keen birder: paintings, etchings, field sketches and photographs of birds. Have a good time at my website! Aantal hits:857
A new online gallery for bird art, paintings and illustrations.
Jón Baldur Hlídberg Aantal hits:895
His wonderful paintings of Icelandic wildlife.
Lars Jonsson Aantal hits:1415
The Swedish world-famous artist and bird-painter here presents some of his artpieces in an excerpt of the catalogue from an exhibition at The Art Museum of Gotland in Visby summer 1995.
Sibleyart Aantal hits:1613
Portretten van Vogels Aantal hits:812
Deze site bevat een aantal van mijn aquarellen van vogels, gerangschikt naar soorten die in Nederland voorkomen en soorten die ik tijdens mijn reizen in het buitenland heb gezien.
Natur-art Aantal hits:881
Roger Gregory, designer and illustrator, specialising in bird designs, though other wildlife subjects covered.Original and exclusive designs,mainly ink and watercolour,some pencil studies.
Hawks-and-Owls: Gallery of wildlife artist Friedhelm Weick Aantal hits:863
The international well known wildlife artist an ornithologist Friedhelm Weick gives a glimpse into his gallery with a main focus to hawks and owls.
All about animalier françoise Nesse realist wildlife artist Aantal hits:774
Françoise Nesse, realist wildlife artist. Welcome to the galerie of her painting and drawing (aquarelle,watercolor,gouache,color pencil,water colour)cat,dog,bird of prey and other...
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