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Dutch Birding volume 25 (2003) no 1

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Artikelen / papers
Identification of Pine Bunting [Herkenning van Witkopgors] Daniele Occhiato
  Extra's: Sound files and accompanying sonagrams
17  Hybridization between Yellowhammer and Pine Bunting in Russia [Hybridisatie tussen Geelgors en Witkopgors in Rusland] Eugeny N Panov, Alexander S Roubtsov & Dmitry G Monzikov
32  Pine Bunting in Italy: status and distribution [Witkopgors in Italië: status en verspreiding] Daniele Occhiato
40  Wintering hybrids Pine Bunting x Yellowhammer in northern Iran [Overwintering van hybriden Witkopgors x Geelgors in Noord-Iran] Raffael Aye & Manuel Schweizer
44  Mongoolse Pieper te Bloemendaal in november 2002 [Blyth's Pipit at Bloemendaal in November 2002] Erik Maassen & Arnoud van den Berg


49  Naamgeving van taxa in Dutch Birding [Taxa names in Dutch Birding] Redactie Dutch Birding
50  Wijzigingen binnen redactie; Changes in editorial board

Masters of mystery
51  Solutions of sixth round 2002: Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit and Blyth's Pipit; First round 2003 Rob van Bemmelen & Dick Groenendijk

WP reports
55  November 2002-early January 2003 Arnoud B van den Berg

Recente meldingen / recent reports
64  Nederland: november-december 2002 Ruud M van Dongen, Klaas Haas & Peter W W de Rouw
70  België: november-december 2002 Gerald Driessens

DB actueel
73  Zwartkeellijster in Harlingen [Black-throated Thrush]; Grote Tafeleend bij Castricum [Canvasback]; New species of parrot; More Amazonian parakeets

III  Programma DBA-vogeldag op 1 februari 2003 te Utrecht

Voorplaat / front cover
  Ross’ Meeuw / Ross’s Gull Rhodostethia rosea, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, juni 1994 (Chris Schenk)

Pine Bunting calls

The calls are very similar in both Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos and Yellowhammer E citrinella, and any possible differences are still poorly known.

1 Most typical contact call, short and dry, usually given when birds are perched or on the ground, described as tchi'. Slightly higher pitched than similar call of Yellowhammer.
Examples: recordings 2, 3, 5,10

2 Contact call, shorter, drier and lower pitched than call note 1, given both in flight and by perched birds, matching call 2a in Cramp & Perrins (1994), described as tch'. No examples recorded.

3 Contact or alarm call, short and slightly raspy, given when perched, matching call 2b in Cramp & Perrins (1994), described as dzjèu. Very slightly higher pitched than similar call of Yellowhammer, and not always separable in the field.
Example: recording 7

4 Contact or alarm call, similar to preceding call but sweeter, slightly nasal, somewhat finch-like and almost certainly given under stress, as it is exclusively given by lone individuals and almost always in flight (but sometimes also when perched), described as dsjìu. Examples can be found on Mild 1987 and Veprintsev 1982-86.

5 Short and dry call, usually given on the ground, rarely in flight; very similar to Corn Bunting E calandra calls, described as pt-pt-l. No examples recorded.

6 Contact call given by flocks, given when perched, when taking flight, or in flight, described as tch-rr; tch-r-l-r.
Examples: recordings 1, 8 (latter also includes Cirl Bunting E cirlus)

7 Alarm call, given when perched just before taking flight, or when flushing out of fear (and often repeated in short series); the most characteristic call given by birds flushed by humans, described as tcì-rrrrrrrr-l (e.g. examples 2, 9) or ptì-rlrlrlrlrlrlrl (e.g. example 6). Usually a little longer and slightly higher pitched than similar call of Yellowhammer.
Examples, recordings 2, 4, 6, 9.

All recordings © Daniele Occhiato, Macchia Lucchese, Toscana, Italy on 7 January 2001.

Mild, K 1987. Soviet bird songs. Two cassettes and booklet. Stokholm.
Veprintsev, B N 1982-86. Birds of the Soviet Union: a sound guide. 7 LP records. Melodia. Moscow.

Sonagram 1
Sonagram 2
Sonagram 3
Sonagram 4
Sonagram 5
Sonagram 6
Sonagram 7
Sonagram 8
Sonagram 9
Sonagram 10