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Rose-coloured Starling
Siberian Rubythroat

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» Index   » South America
(Sub-categorieën:1, Links:9)
French Guiana
Neotropical Bird Club Aantal hits:1372
For birding and ornithology in central and south america.
xeno-canto Aantal hits:1009
community database and guide to the bird sounds of the neotropics: more than 10000 sounds online, more than 2600 species represented.
Tropical Nature Travel Aantal hits:901
Tropical Nature Travel specializes in custom itineraries for individuals and groups to Peru, Ecuador and Brazil, Panama,Guatemala, Costa Rica and Belize. We also feature visits to our wildlife rich lodges in South America. Travel with us and find valuable insights into ancient cultures, archaeology, geography and conservation. Whether you would like to spend time watching for the Jaguar in the Pantanal of Brazil, viewing hundreds of colorful macaws and parrots at the clay clicks of Manu, Heath River and Napo Wildlife Center, or gain knowledge into South America's Inca cultures, like Machu Picchu, our expert staff will show you the way. Tropical Nature Travel creates custom trips based on your imagination and our expert advice.
Open Door Touroperator Brazil Aantal hits:976
Open Door is a Dutch-Brazilian tour operator specialized in organizing eco travel arrangements and eco-tours within Brazil with high quality service and competative prices, both for groups and individuals. Set up in June 2000 and located in Campo Grande, the Capital of the State Mato Grosso do Sul.
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